Dr Mamsie Motshekga-Sebolai
(Business Professional Coach, 3KM Coaching and Consulting. Board Member HERS-SA)
Dr Mamsie Motshekga-Sebolai’s professional experience spans over 25 years across public and private education. She served in Higher education institutions both private and public, occupying several senior positions. She previously worked at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) as a Director Human Resource Development.
She was also instrumental in the formation of (Women Leadership Forum (WOLF) at TUT. She also participated in TUT-CEO Leaders of Tomorrow Mentoring programme. Previous positions include teaching advisor, academic director and corporate Affairs Executive. She is also a Certified Talent Management Economist.
She also participates as a presenter and facilitator. Furthermore, she participated in National initiatives such as Education, Training and Development Practices Sector and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) as a member of the Steering committee, Management committee, Levy Chamber and Level Descriptors Task Team. She also served as board member for Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), and Council on Higher Education (CHE) Accreditation committee member. She was an Advisory Council member at CTI Education group and has been part of the Association for Private Providers of Education, Training and Development (APPETD). Finalist South African Council For Business Women: Centurion Branch: Corporate Business Woman of The Year.
Her wealth of knowledge in respect of education management earned her the following awards:
- The Vice-Chancellor’s Medal from University of Pretoria
- Laureatatus/ Laureata Award from University of Pretoria
Drawing on her valuable past experience, she decided to take the plunge into coaching and consulting as a long-term career. She completed a Professional Business Coaching programme from GIBS. She is the founder and CEO of 3KM Projects PTY Ltd.